The world of Local and Central Government is complex and in many instances time consuming, when you have a need to deal with them on consent issues.
Consents of all styles are a necessity within the property industry and applying for them can at times be stressful, confusing and frustrating. Often the outcome for a consent can be determined to some degree by the level of information that has been provided with the application and the communication that has taken place with the consenting authority, prior to lodgement of the consent.
I have had many years experience of dealing with Local Authorities and the consent process and because of that experience, I can provide for you a professional and considered path for consent and submissions preparation and application.
Please contact me if you would like me to assist you with this process.
We are highly professional and very experienced in all aspects of commercial property negoiation, advocacy, project management, property management, market commentary, assest sales and acquisitions, resource consent applications, submissions and knowledgable in mediation.