The Lessor owns a property, usually as an investment and leases it to the Lessee, so that he can obtain a return on the capital that he has invested in that property.

The Lessee leases the property from the Lessor for a desired purpose, which is usually so that he can operate his business without the need to tie up large amounts of capital in real estate, or to retain a level of flexibility around size and location of business premises.

The relationship between a Lessor and a Lessee should be an amicable business relationship and often is. Unfortunately, what starts out as a suitable arrangement between the parties, can occasionally turn to disharmony, discontent and disagreement. When this happens, it can very quickly become a substantial tax on time, money and resources for the parties involved, as too often positions have been taken, words exchanged and neither party wants to back down or consider a compromise.

Once a dispute gets to this stage, one or both parties are usually heading off to their Solicitors to start the process of who can prove that they are in the right and the other party is in the wrong. sometimes this may be the only way to proceed, but it can prove very expensive and not always provide the results that were hoped for.

If on the other hand, by introducing an experienced and independent third party who understands both the commercial reality of the market and the legal requirements of lease documentation, you can negotiate or have mediated a swift and practical solution to the issues, then surely both parties must benefit from the regained focus and forward momentum that the settlement of such conflict and confrontation can bring.

I can offer you a wealth of experience and wisdom in negotiation and dispute resolution when it comes to commercial property matters and I can undertake that role as an independent expert, as opposed to being an advocate for one party or the other. To maintain independence as a third party in this situation, provides confidence to both principal parties, that resolution of the dispute is not going to be dictated by the loudest voice or the biggest cheque book, but rather by what is required under the Deed of Lease and how this might be implemented in a way that works for both.

If you are involved in, or believe that you are about to become involved in a conflict of some kind with your Lessor/Lessee, then perhaps a call to me for an independent 3rd party view of disputed matters, could save you both a lot of time, money and stress, leaving you free to continue with the things in life that really matter.




Why not contact PropertyHB today!

We are highly professional and very experienced in all aspects of commercial property negoiation, advocacy, project management, property management, market commentary, assest sales and acquisitions, resource consent applications, submissions and knowledgable in mediation.

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