You need to understand you are potentially their competition and they yours. When it comes to purchasing an investment property or development site, or securing a sound tenant for one of your vacancies, they too could be in the market for something similar. If you were to discuss with them an opportunity that has presented itself to you, or you have an idea that could prove of value to you, how can you be sure that the person you are using as a "sounding board" does not take that information and use it, so as to better their own position. When there is money at stake, sometimes quite large amounts, information gained can be of immense value. It may be you provide them with the last piece of the puzzle needed to make a move on something that you had been considering.

When other peoples thoughts and advice are shared with you, how can you be sure that it is done so with their best intentions and not simply a malicious attempt to put you off your game.

Ownership of commercial property can sometimes be a very lonely affair. While there are a large number of people in the community that undertake the activity, it can be difficult to ask any of them for advice or their opinion on any particular matter. By engaging a proven, independent professional who has wide ranging knowledge and experience in the commercial real estate market, you can be sure that you will get the very best of impartial advice and commentary.

Be it current commentary and advice on the market as it effects your property or lease commitment, or if you want a feasibility study undertaken or reviewed on a proposed development or project, my experience, knowledge and independence can provide you with an invaluable industry advantage.

All consultations are carried out on a strictly confidential, non competitive basis and are charged at an hourly rate for time spent.




Why not contact PropertyHB today!

We are highly professional and very experienced in all aspects of commercial property negoiation, advocacy, project management, property management, market commentary, assest sales and acquisitions, resource consent applications, submissions and knowledgable in mediation.

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